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We have it all when it comes to building software. Process, team, knowledge.


We are confident in starting new projects and seamlessly taking over in-flight initiatives. We offer competitive pricing, as well as flexibility in the project development and management process.
We can support you at every stage of your IT project. Here’s how:
  • Discovery – We work with you to understand your idea and business.
  • Define – Together, we work out the solution concept, define the milestones, high level architecture design, testing plan, and prototypes.
  • Design & Build – We develop the solution using an agile approach. Your feedback is important and we welcome it at each increment.
  • Tests, Stabilization, Launch and Maintenance – It’s our job to make (and keep) your applications working, so you can focus on your business.

Check out our geekiness level! This is what we love to do.

  • IT Consulting

    Technology Consulting | Business Analysis & Strategy | Research

    logo slack
    logo google analytics
    logo skype
    logo google meet
    logo zoom
  • Blockchain

    Tokens | NFTs | Web3 | Dapps | Staking | Smart Contracts (Solidity, Rust)

    ethereum logo
    solidity logo
    angular logo
    docker logo
    hedera logo
    html 5 logo
  • UX / UI

    UX / UI | Workshops | Mockups & Wireframes | User Testing

    logo Figma
    logo axure
    logo hotjar
    logo miro
    logo notion
    logo excalidraw
  • Mobile

    Android | iOS | React Native

    react logo
    logo swift
    logo swift ui
  • Web

    React | Angular.js | Node.js | Vue.js

    react logo
    redux logo
    next js logo
    wordpress logo
    logo vue js
    logo sass
    logo three js
  • Backend

    Custom Microservices | Application Servers | Databases

    docker logo
    logo node js
    logo elastic search
  • PM | QA

    Project Management | Quality Assurance

    logo selenium
    logo browserstack
    logo junit5
    logo jira
    logo gitlab
  • Infrastructure and maintenance

    Physical devices | Virtual environments | Cloud solutions | Monitoring

    logo oracle
    logo proxmox
    logo zabbix
    logo ansible
    logo saltstack
    logo graylog